General dentistry is the group of treatments aimed to solve the primary problems of the mouth, teeth and other related structures, generally consisting of the cases represent the first contact of the patient with the dentist.

The general dentist is responsible for the initial diagnosis of the patient, solving the problems of restoration of cavities may present, and properly channeling specialist as needed, depending on the patient's need.

Dental caries(cavities) is the most common within the treated disease in general dentistry, consisting of tissue destruction of the teeth due to the presence of acids produced by plaque bacteria deposited on tooth surfaces. A detailed examination will detect spots or white chalk (areas without glaze) or brown pigmentation. Treatments that help solve cavities are fillings and endodontics.

  • Dental fillings
  • Endodontics ( Root canal)
  • Periodontics( gum desease)


General Dentistry Benalmádena


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